6 to 10 POTS - Probably not with existing cabling (usually 2 to 4 pair cable). Telco can always install additional cable to meet the need though, expect heavy charges though.
Optionally, your friend can inquire about getting a partial PRI service. PRI is 23 voice channels + 1 signaling channel and some providers will offer to only enable 10 or 12 voice channels for a reduced rate. This option would require that your friend also purchase some kind of phone system to terminate the PRI onto as it is a digital service. You cannot place sets directly on to a PRI.
As for VoIP, it would be possible. Be very careful! You will need an Internet connect that is solid and can handle the amount of traffic that 6 -10 phones would use. I would plan to have the VoIP phones having their own dedicated connection and get a seperate one for the computers. There are lots of options out there.
LOL, you're right! I was typing something else first and then deleted a bit. I guess I forgot to delete that word. I meant that he should expect to be charged for the work. My bad.
They will install a larger NID on his house, and then probably two drops if aerial two 6 pr's, buried two 5 prs.
The only issue he may have will depend on how good or crappy his cable is in his neighborhood. If they are fighting for spares, or have several black bag "temporary" HAHA openings in lead, and engineering crew may have to come out. Or if he is lucky and the repair/splicing crew is slow they will go on a detail to clear pairs. Other than that should be no issue
I think rather than getting "hearsay" info from this forum, why don't you trying calling your local phone company and find out from the source what your options are and how much is will cost you.
We can provide technical information, but it might not mean much in your area.
In addition to what skip555 mentioned above, basically, if you pay for it, the Telco will do it as business class of service.
Facilities can be a problem, depending on the area and provider. If you want a cable terminal installed for 25 or 50 pairs, provide a 2-5 year forecast to the OSP engineer. The forecast is the "key" in most cases. Even if you don't come close to the forecast use, they are still happy to get one. So if you think you might do DS1 or DSL or PL ckts, put those on the forecast in addition to the residence lines you may already have. Once the cable is installed, they are not going too remove it!
Residential (R-1) zoning precludes business use of the home in most cases.
Da-vi'do Juan-is'imo
P.S. For the best response to a question, read FAQ222-2244. Also give the type & version of your voice mail & PBX & preview your post to make sure it is complete & understandable. Please answer all questions so that I may have the info to assist you. Leaving a post on how you fixed the problem will also be appreciated.
Also adding to Skip above, if you want DID you need a DID line, and you also need some kind of phone system that can take the DID line, read the digits being sent on it and route them to the correct extension.
If you want to do it on the cheap have multiple individual phone lines. If they need to be sent somewhere special then wire each one to a separate phone. You can put a hunting or forwarding arrangement on the lines if they are busy.
Another option for a small business is centrex - we used that for a while many moons ago when I was working for a small company. You have multiple lines and multiple phones, but you can use the flash button to access "phone system" features that are provided on the lines.
No matter what you do it all comes down to the fact that you need to get a larger or additional cable pulled in to support the extra lines, and there is no reason why they wouldn't do it if you are willing to pick up the construction costs.
If you try to put in that many analog lines or a PRI you will probably be hit with the business rate. If you get some type of hunting, this is usually only reserved for business.
HUNTING is NOT reserved for business! You can get on 1FRs and 1MRs in all ILEC areas. It is only the CLECs that descriminate against residence service... or the VOIP ripoffs!!
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