I didn't get it either.
But I do understand it. A lot of Trump supporters had to look it up. They were pretty sure they weren't afraid of Xena... or was that Xelda... or Sheena. Either way they went afraid of any woman warrior. Boy were the surprised. (And thought it was deplorable, at least til they look that one up too.)
Dermis and feline can be divorced by manifold methods.*
*(Disclaimer for all advise given)--'Version Dependent'
Kind of a let-down.
I would have expected "electocalypse" or "bigly".
"Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family." (Kofi Annan)
Oppose SOPA, PIPA, ACTA; measures to curb freedom of information under whatever name whatsoever.
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