I am creating logon scripts for my network with VBS. I want to be able to display the progress to the user so that we can see what is being done. Is there a way to display step by step what is being done like a batch file?
I have found that opening an instance of IE and writing out to that is a good way of keeping track, you will have to enter the code to write out to the browser but if it is only so that a user can see what is happening then it is quite useful.
Example below
Set objExplorer = WScript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application"
Call Progress_Window
'Define Output Window for progress results
Private Sub Progress_Window
Dbreak = "<br>" & "<br>"
Sbreak = "<br"
objExplorer.Navigate "about:blank"
objExplorer.ToolBar = 0
objExplorer.StatusBar = 0
objExplorer.Height = 200
objExplorer.Left = 0
objExplorer.Top = 0
Do While (objExplorer.Busy)
Wscript.Sleep 200
objExplorer.Visible = 1
objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML = "message goes here and Dbreak will cause a double CRlf" & Dbreak
End Sub
To add extra information you will have to use
objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML = objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML + " next message goes here and Dbreak will cause a double CRlf" & Dbreak
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