PHP neophite having a little problem with script timing and execution.
Can one PHP script initiate the execution of another PHP script? If so, how is this accomplished?
I have a simple 'PULL-DOWN' menu with 2 'select' frames as listed (yes, they do have the necessary html form wrappers to make a proper form):
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 width="75%" align=center border=5>
<TD vAlign=center align=right bgColor=#cccccc><LABEL><FONT
face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=3>Customer
<TD bgColor=#cccccc><SELECT name=cust_choice>
<OPTION selected>Choose ...</OPTION>
<OPTION value=custm_mnt.php>Customer Maintenance</OPTION>
<OPTION value=custm_list.php>Customer List</OPTION>
<OPTION value=custm_srch.php>CustomerSearch</OPTION>
</SELECT> </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=center align=right bgColor=#cccccc><LABEL><FONT
face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=3>Vehicle
<TD bgColor=#cccccc><SELECT name=veh_choice>
<OPTION selected>Choose ...</OPTION>
<OPTION value=veh_checkin.php>Check-in</OPTION>
<OPTION value=veh_start.php>Add/Chg/Delete</OPTION>
<OPTION value=veh_list.php>List Vehicles</OPTION>
When the form is 'submitted', I call an intervening PHP script (action="interim.php")that parses the values of 'cust_choice' and 'veh_choice' to determine where to go. This gives the interim script the name of the PHP script to be called. Since this is all server side code can that script-name be acted on in the same fashion as you would, in say, a Unix shell script? Or, does the parsing logic need to be in the same script as the form?
No doubt my abilities are sub-standard in this effort for I have an old line 'procedural code' background, but surely there is a way to execute one PHP from another.
Any insite would be appreciated, and if I'm totally out in left field, just let me know and I'll back up and take some other approach.
Thanks for your time and input.
J Piper
Can one PHP script initiate the execution of another PHP script? If so, how is this accomplished?
I have a simple 'PULL-DOWN' menu with 2 'select' frames as listed (yes, they do have the necessary html form wrappers to make a proper form):
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 width="75%" align=center border=5>
<TD vAlign=center align=right bgColor=#cccccc><LABEL><FONT
face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=3>Customer
<TD bgColor=#cccccc><SELECT name=cust_choice>
<OPTION selected>Choose ...</OPTION>
<OPTION value=custm_mnt.php>Customer Maintenance</OPTION>
<OPTION value=custm_list.php>Customer List</OPTION>
<OPTION value=custm_srch.php>CustomerSearch</OPTION>
</SELECT> </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=center align=right bgColor=#cccccc><LABEL><FONT
face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=3>Vehicle
<TD bgColor=#cccccc><SELECT name=veh_choice>
<OPTION selected>Choose ...</OPTION>
<OPTION value=veh_checkin.php>Check-in</OPTION>
<OPTION value=veh_start.php>Add/Chg/Delete</OPTION>
<OPTION value=veh_list.php>List Vehicles</OPTION>
When the form is 'submitted', I call an intervening PHP script (action="interim.php")that parses the values of 'cust_choice' and 'veh_choice' to determine where to go. This gives the interim script the name of the PHP script to be called. Since this is all server side code can that script-name be acted on in the same fashion as you would, in say, a Unix shell script? Or, does the parsing logic need to be in the same script as the form?
No doubt my abilities are sub-standard in this effort for I have an old line 'procedural code' background, but surely there is a way to execute one PHP from another.
Any insite would be appreciated, and if I'm totally out in left field, just let me know and I'll back up and take some other approach.
Thanks for your time and input.
J Piper