I am not sure even how to search on this one so after a fruitless effort I'll just post it...
I have an array of items. I want to run through the array using 'for (i=0, i < array.length, i++)' . Now on each time I want to say something like...
But I am not getting any results at all. I am attempting to build a product that produces all my buttons and actions with some generic code instead of writting a button for each item in the array. The intention is to make this tool easier for others to update in the future.
"Credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena - T.Roosevelt
I have an array of items. I want to run through the array using 'for (i=0, i < array.length, i++)' . Now on each time I want to say something like...
this["bt"+toolsArray[i]].onRollOver = function(){
if ("bt"+toolsArray[i]._x == 13){
this["bt"+toolsArray[i]].toolTab._visible = true;
this["bt"+toolsArray[i]]._alpha = 50;
this["bt"+toolsArray[i]].onRollOut = function (){
if (this["bt"+toolsArray[i]]._x ==13) {
this["bt"+toolsArray[i]].toolTab._visible = false;
But I am not getting any results at all. I am attempting to build a product that produces all my buttons and actions with some generic code instead of writting a button for each item in the array. The intention is to make this tool easier for others to update in the future.
"Credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena - T.Roosevelt