I'm taking my univerity's Intro to VB6 for my Comp-Sci requirement and the class is on chapter 3, I'm on 10 or 12 where their talking about SQL statements and connecting through ODBC to an Access Database. I have a copy of VB 6 Pro comming as soon as I fax out my student ID and Microsoft boasts its ablity to create DHTML pages for the web, and I was just wondering if it would be possible to create an interface for a webpage to MySQL using VB6. I'm running my web site of a unix, colbalt linux 4.0 to be exact, and I've already seen MS's easy intergration fail miserably when everything isn't Microsoft. (mainly FP extentions on a unix machine, I just wanted to see what they could do and messed up everything on the site. reason why I use Dreamweaver and not FP2000)<br>
However since VB supports ODBC and simple SQL statements like post, insert, etc., I see no reason why it shouldn't work. Any idea's or expirances?
However since VB supports ODBC and simple SQL statements like post, insert, etc., I see no reason why it shouldn't work. Any idea's or expirances?