I have a 15G Maxtor Hard Drive (5400 RPM) that stopped working after the power supply on my computer failed. There are no obvious signs of any problems on the hard drive circuit board, but the drive does not spin-up with a new power supply in the computer. The computer was not running when the power supply failed. The computer had been off for several days and unplugged. When the computer was plugged back in and the switch on the power supply turned on the power supply made a popping noise and it was immediately turned off. When a new supply was put in to the case the 15G drive will not power up or be detected. I am currently using a different HD on the computer and nothing happened to the motherboard and processor when the power supply died. I believe the hard drive platters are ok and the problem is with the IDE pc board on the drive. Can this board be replaced to get data off this hard drive?