Hello to all
I have a small DB which tracks tires by a number (barcode) stamped on the tire.
1.Barcode (stamped on tire)
2.Location (examples are a truck, in inventory or out for repair).
3.Position (Is the position on the truck...left front, right front....etc).
(formname is "frmTPosSide")
currently I have a popup form who has 2 statements.
on the forms record source is a (SQL)query statement:
In query builder in criteria is:
When you trigger frmTPosSide it asks the user for a barcode number, If the barcode is found it tells the user what truck its on and what position.
sorry for writing a book...
I want the "frmTPosSide" form to link to the main form "frmTireCerticate" by a button or by double clicking in the barcode textbox.
Any help from you guys will definitely be appreciated.
Thank you
I have a small DB which tracks tires by a number (barcode) stamped on the tire.
1.Barcode (stamped on tire)
2.Location (examples are a truck, in inventory or out for repair).
3.Position (Is the position on the truck...left front, right front....etc).
(formname is "frmTPosSide")
currently I have a popup form who has 2 statements.
on the forms record source is a (SQL)query statement:
SELECT tblTirePosition.[Fleet Number], tblTirePosition.[Right Front], tblTirePosition.[Left Front], tblTirePosition.[Right Rear Outer], tblTirePosition.[Right Rear Inner], tblTirePosition.[Left Rear Inner], tblTirePosition.[Left Rear Outer], tblTirePosition.[Right Rear Rear Outer], tblTirePosition.[Right Rear Rear Inner], tblTirePosition.[Left Rear Rear Inner], tblTirePosition.[Left Rear Rear Outer], * FROM tblTirePosition WHERE ((([Enter BarCode Number ?]) In ([Right Front],[Left Front],[Right Rear Outer],[Right Rear Inner],[Left Rear Inner],[Left Rear Outer],[Right Rear Rear Outer],[Right Rear Rear Inner],[Left Rear Rear Inner],[Left Rear Rear Outer])));
In ([Right Front],[Left Front],[Right Rear Outer],[Right Rear Inner],[Left Rear Inner],[Left Rear Outer],[Right Rear Rear Outer],[Right Rear Rear Inner],[Left Rear Rear Inner],[Left Rear Rear Outer])
When you trigger frmTPosSide it asks the user for a barcode number, If the barcode is found it tells the user what truck its on and what position.
sorry for writing a book...
I want the "frmTPosSide" form to link to the main form "frmTireCerticate" by a button or by double clicking in the barcode textbox.
Any help from you guys will definitely be appreciated.
Thank you