i'm new to both C++ and borland products and have been able to find my way around placing object to create a nice looking app. However i'm trying to create a button with an image on it and as i move the mouse over the button it changes the button look.
I've used an image, verse the buttons provided because they
1. don't except PNG or transparent graphics
2. as i move over the button it shows the outline of the button.
i've been able to create code that uses the OnMouseMove for the image, but i had to get real creative by placing to events one on the button and the other on the panel behind to give the effect.
If i could get some type of sample code for doing this with an Image (picture) i'd be greatful.
I've read about a OnMouseEnter for buttons on this forum but not sure what i really need to do....please remember i'm really wet behind the ears.
thank you
i'm new to both C++ and borland products and have been able to find my way around placing object to create a nice looking app. However i'm trying to create a button with an image on it and as i move the mouse over the button it changes the button look.
I've used an image, verse the buttons provided because they
1. don't except PNG or transparent graphics
2. as i move over the button it shows the outline of the button.
i've been able to create code that uses the OnMouseMove for the image, but i had to get real creative by placing to events one on the button and the other on the panel behind to give the effect.
If i could get some type of sample code for doing this with an Image (picture) i'd be greatful.
I've read about a OnMouseEnter for buttons on this forum but not sure what i really need to do....please remember i'm really wet behind the ears.
thank you