the location of my IE index.dat for cache URLs is here:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat
Yet even after viewing its contents IE still does not record the complete cache link.
here is the issue:
comparing the *exact* same page navigated to, between the dat file from IE and the dat file from Firefox (FF) (by comparison), when each respective URL cache history is examined, IE records this:
but the firefox history.dat file records this:
one shows the aspx the other stops at htm. what i need from IE is the latter, not the former.
i worked from a completely cleared out dat file for both IE (index.dat) and FF (history.dat).
i just cant figure out why IE does not record the cache URL links properly as does FF. Why does IE (apparently?) not record the complete cache link? how come IE cuts off the full link addy whereas FF does not? and if this is not the case, where do i look to get the precise link information inside of IE? after all if the FF cache history.dat file gets the right information, surely IE can too.
any insight on this subject would be very helpful.
the location of my IE index.dat for cache URLs is here:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat
Yet even after viewing its contents IE still does not record the complete cache link.
here is the issue:
comparing the *exact* same page navigated to, between the dat file from IE and the dat file from Firefox (FF) (by comparison), when each respective URL cache history is examined, IE records this:
but the firefox history.dat file records this:
one shows the aspx the other stops at htm. what i need from IE is the latter, not the former.
i worked from a completely cleared out dat file for both IE (index.dat) and FF (history.dat).
i just cant figure out why IE does not record the cache URL links properly as does FF. Why does IE (apparently?) not record the complete cache link? how come IE cuts off the full link addy whereas FF does not? and if this is not the case, where do i look to get the precise link information inside of IE? after all if the FF cache history.dat file gets the right information, surely IE can too.
any insight on this subject would be very helpful.