The following is a piece of js code that I have simplified tremendously from my company's page. It is a stand alone html file, except you don't have those gif files - sorry for that.
Here is code:
What it does:
Once you load this page (ok to open it using 'file://'), you'll see a '+' on the upper left corner, which is clickable and so is the gif next to it.
If you keep clicking it, you'll see a tree sturcture changes between collapsed and expanded.
However, if you reload this page, the tree is ALWAYS expanded.
What I want:
Every time I reload this page, the tree is in a collapsed state. But I don't know to do it.
Thank you very much for your help!!
The following is a piece of js code that I have simplified tremendously from my company's page. It is a stand alone html file, except you don't have those gif files - sorry for that.
Here is code:
<title>LextraNet Gateway</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/styles/0_default.css" />
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var isNav4, isNav6, isIE4;
function showMenu( divNum, ignore_img ) {
if (getIdProperty( "s" + divNum, "display") == 'fubar')
return false;
if (getIdProperty( "s" + divNum, "display") != "block" ) {
setIdProperty("s" + divNum, "display", "block");
if (ignore_img != 1) document.images["i" + divNum].src = "./images/menu_tee_minus.gif";
else {
setIdProperty("s" + divNum, "display", "none");
if (ignore_img != 1) document.images["i" + divNum].src = "./images/menu_tee_plus.gif";
function getIdProperty( id, property ) {
if (isNav6) {
var styleObject = document.getElementById( id );
if (styleObject != null) {
styleObject = styleObject.style;
if (styleObject[property])
return styleObject[ property ];
styleObject = getStyleBySelector( "#" + id );
return (styleObject != null) ? styleObject[property] : null;
else if (isNav4)
return document[id][property];
else {
if (document.all[id]) return document.all[id].style[property];
return 'fubar';
function setIdProperty( id, property, value ) {
if (isNav6) {
var styleObject = document.getElementById( id );
if (styleObject != null) {
styleObject = styleObject.style;
styleObject[ property ] = value;
else if (isNav4)
document[id][property] = value;
else if (isIE4)
document.all[id].style[property] = value;
function getStyleBySelector( selector ) {
if (!isNav6)
return null;
var sheetList = document.styleSheets;
var ruleList;
var i, j;
/* look through stylesheets in reverse order that they appear in the document */
for (i=sheetList.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
ruleList = sheetList[i].cssRules;
for (j=0; j<ruleList.length; j++) {
if (ruleList[j].type == CSSRule.STYLE_RULE && ruleList[j].selectorText == selector)
return ruleList[j].style;
return null;
function setBrowser() {
if (navigator.appVersion.charAt(0) == "4") {
if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Explorer") >= 0)
isIE4 = true;
isNav4 = true;
else if (navigator.appVersion.charAt(0) > "4")
isNav6 = true;
<body onload="setBrowser()";>
<div class="mhead">
<a onclick="showMenu(80);return false" >
+<img name="i80" align="middle" border="0" src="./images/menu_tee_plus.gif" />
<img align="middle" border="0" src="./images/menu_folder_closed.gif" />
<a name="row80" id="notbold" >Drafts </a>
<DIV class='subMenu' id='s80'>
<div class="empty">
<img align="middle" border="0" src="./images/menu_bar.gif" />
<img align="middle" border="0" src="./images/menu_tee.gif" />
<img align="middle" border="0" src="./images/menu_link_txt.gif" />
<a name="row81" id="row81"> Show All Drafts </a>
What it does:
Once you load this page (ok to open it using 'file://'), you'll see a '+' on the upper left corner, which is clickable and so is the gif next to it.
If you keep clicking it, you'll see a tree sturcture changes between collapsed and expanded.
However, if you reload this page, the tree is ALWAYS expanded.
What I want:
Every time I reload this page, the tree is in a collapsed state. But I don't know to do it.
Thank you very much for your help!!