I have the primary key of a table set as type autonumber, to (obviously) automatically set an incremental key number. If I delete the latest 1 or more rows (records), the primary key numbering skips the now-deleted row numbers and leaves gaps in the numbering. The Autonumbering function doesn't appear to allow a manual override.
Perhaps I'm too OC (Obsessive Compulsive, not Orange County), but the gaps in numbers bother me.
1. Is there a way to get the autonumbering function to select one number above the highest number in use (in that column/key)?
2. Alternately, is there a way to override the autonumbering function and manually enter a number when desired?
3. Is there a way to get the autonumbering function to fill in gaps in the numbering, rather than using the highest previously auto-assigned number?
Perhaps I'm too OC (Obsessive Compulsive, not Orange County), but the gaps in numbers bother me.
1. Is there a way to get the autonumbering function to select one number above the highest number in use (in that column/key)?
2. Alternately, is there a way to override the autonumbering function and manually enter a number when desired?
3. Is there a way to get the autonumbering function to fill in gaps in the numbering, rather than using the highest previously auto-assigned number?