I had a user who was just converted from Inutity to MM. She had several PDL's (personal distribution lists) programmed in Intuity that others in her area used by typing in her extension to gain access.
Is this "sharing" feature available in Modular Messaging? We're running 3.0 with (2) MAS and an Avaya MSS. I realize that the feature is called personal distribution list, but in the Intuity world, you had the option to make it private if you didn't want to share with the other kids.
If sharing of a PDL in MM is available, what does a user need to do to make it available to other MM users? Thanks.
Is this "sharing" feature available in Modular Messaging? We're running 3.0 with (2) MAS and an Avaya MSS. I realize that the feature is called personal distribution list, but in the Intuity world, you had the option to make it private if you didn't want to share with the other kids.
If sharing of a PDL in MM is available, what does a user need to do to make it available to other MM users? Thanks.