I am looking for ways to import an adobe PDF file graphic into a PM 6.5 publication, and cannot see any PDF files with the Place command. Is it just not possible?
Yes you can import pdf-files into a pm file. Just use the place command like you would you use for any other file. A special import window will open and ask for the resolution (I beleive) This question is only for the quality you wan't on your screen.
Mayla I wouldn't place jpegs in a pagemaker file it is asking for trouble. Everything works fine untill you wan't to go to a service bureau, there they will have to convert the jpegs to tiffs otherwise a lot of the files will not have a good printing result or will not print all the separations to film or to plate.
PM supports PDF imports for files which were distilled by Distiller
up to version 4. For newer versions problems are well known.
Converting PDFs to TIFF is not good. PDF has accurate typography
by vectors, but TIFF is pixelated (bitmap). ----Gernot
another thing, you could do, is going Edit > Insert Object and select your pdf file. On my machine Acrobat opens, showing the file. When I close the Acrobat window, I got a pdf placeholder in the Pagemaker doc.
Only thing is, you don't see the actual pdf in Pagemaker only a placeholder. And if you give the Pagemaker doc to a service provider, you have to give the pdf-file as well in the same folder as the Pagemaker document.
The pdf-file is only linked not embedded.
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