CE 10 against MSSQL 2000- Report created in CR10
I have set up a report with an alert. It runs each morning and sends an email with the link to the view of the data. The report looks at 'yesterdays' data each morning for its alert issue. This works well but I've found that if a user looks at the alert by selecting the link in the email more than a day after getting the email, it shows the report alert page but has no data. I think it's refreshing the report alert/report when its run and at this point there is no alert data for this new instance because 'yeserday' is not the same day as when there was data. Is there any way to keep the original data in the linked email regardless of when the users runs the link? Any help appreciated. Thanks!
I have set up a report with an alert. It runs each morning and sends an email with the link to the view of the data. The report looks at 'yesterdays' data each morning for its alert issue. This works well but I've found that if a user looks at the alert by selecting the link in the email more than a day after getting the email, it shows the report alert page but has no data. I think it's refreshing the report alert/report when its run and at this point there is no alert data for this new instance because 'yeserday' is not the same day as when there was data. Is there any way to keep the original data in the linked email regardless of when the users runs the link? Any help appreciated. Thanks!