This morning, when I come in the office, I notice that theSymantec AntiVirus detected there is a Backdoor.Lastras virus in the system. I try to follow Symantec removal instruction, and the LowVersionSupport key is not in the registry.
Below is the log file:
Scan type: Realtime Protection Scan
Event: Virus Found!
Virus name: Backdoor.Lastras
File: C:\WINNT\system32\msvswc.exe
Location: C:\WINNT\system32
Computer: EXCHANGE
Action taken: Clean failed : Quarantine failed : Access denied
Date found: Thursday, March 04, 2004 6:30:18 PM
How do I remove this virus?
Below is the log file:
Scan type: Realtime Protection Scan
Event: Virus Found!
Virus name: Backdoor.Lastras
File: C:\WINNT\system32\msvswc.exe
Location: C:\WINNT\system32
Computer: EXCHANGE
Action taken: Clean failed : Quarantine failed : Access denied
Date found: Thursday, March 04, 2004 6:30:18 PM
How do I remove this virus?