If I view a report all information looks correct. However if I print the same report from the print button within the view mode only headings print. None of the fields print. This appears to be only on certain printers/computers. Any ideas?
Thanks for the advice. My program does use the "For" statement. Unfortunately the link you adviced is unavaliable. I'm using Visual Foxpro V 6.00. Thanks
Thanks for you help. Although the "FOR" command by itself appears to of been fixed it does not like the following statement, among others. Thanks for directing me to the problem.
FOR !EOF('CardT');
AND BETWEEN(CardT.DATE, FromDate, ToDate) ;
AND CARDT.TYPE != 1 AND Postr.status = 0 ;
First, assuming the current selected table/cursor is "CARDT", then the condition !EOF('CardT') isn't needed - it's implied.
In general, I've found that it's ultimately easier to pre-process the data and let the report work off a virtual "flat file". In this case consider an SQL Select (or a Local View if you're dealling with millions of records) of the appropriate records and feed the resultant record set to the report.
A concrete example could be given if more information on what code directly proceeds the REPORT statement. Like what table is selected, how and what relationship is established between CarsT and Postr and if any other tables (fields) and relationships are involved in the data on the report form.
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