I use the following code to open a text file and put he first 8 characters of each line into the arrayFees. Is it possible to set the control source of an unbound listbox to the values in the array? If there were ten values in the array they would be ten listing in the listbox. The last statement of this code leaves the list box empty. Thanks.
Open File For Input As #1
n = 1
Dim Record As String
Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, Record
= Mid(Record, 1, 8)
n = n + 1
Me.lstRef.ControlSource = "arFees"
Open File For Input As #1
n = 1
Dim Record As String
Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, Record
n = n + 1
Me.lstRef.ControlSource = "arFees"