Hi, first I would like you for taking the time to read my post. I was given a job working on a commerical web site that was mostly finished, but the owner of the company stopped dealing with the Web Designer company for many reasons, so Its my job now to make the site better. It uses ASP with a MS Access DB. The Access DB is painfully slow. The only other DB the web host offers is MySql, which I want to use for performance reasons. Currently, I have a separate file, 'data.asp', that sets the Access DB connection(ADODB Connection, the Connection String, etc..) that is included in every ASP that uses the DB(<!--Include File="data.asp"-->). My question is, can I change the 'data.asp' to a MySql DB Connection(after I set up and populate the MySql DB) and not have to change anything with all the other Asp's that use the 'data.asp'?