I'm trying to perform an NSlookup in a xp_cmdshell
The following returns the required result
DECLARE @Cmd varchar(8000)
DECLARE @Ip varchar(8000)
SET @Ip = ''
SET @Cmd = 'NSLOOKUP ' + @Ip
EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @Cmd
But can this be done in a function? I tried but I cant seem to get the result back. This just returns the @Cmd String
Alter Function NSLookup (@Ip as varchar(100))
Returns varchar(8000)
DECLARE @Cmd varchar(8000)
SET @Ip = ''
SET @Cmd = 'NSLOOKUP ' + @Ip
EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @Cmd
I have a table of IP addresses and need to add the DNS Name - unless there is another way?
Select ip, NSLookup(ip) from IPaddresses
The following returns the required result
DECLARE @Cmd varchar(8000)
DECLARE @Ip varchar(8000)
SET @Ip = ''
SET @Cmd = 'NSLOOKUP ' + @Ip
EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @Cmd
But can this be done in a function? I tried but I cant seem to get the result back. This just returns the @Cmd String
Alter Function NSLookup (@Ip as varchar(100))
Returns varchar(8000)
DECLARE @Cmd varchar(8000)
SET @Ip = ''
SET @Cmd = 'NSLOOKUP ' + @Ip
EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @Cmd
I have a table of IP addresses and need to add the DNS Name - unless there is another way?
Select ip, NSLookup(ip) from IPaddresses