I am working on doing page security, and have come up with a way to store the user's page permissions inside the form. I have getter methods in the form to return the proper style to use for an <HTML:TEXT> tag. This is my code:
As you can see, I have some <BEAN:WRITE> tags nested inside my <HTML:TEXT> tag. Struts isn't letting me do this. My IDE (WSAD) is reporting the <BEAN:WRITE> lines as "Attribute timePayDetailsForm" has no value". But I know that I have those getters in the form.
Is this an area that I need to use nesting? How would I go about doing that? Any suggestions, including thinking out of the box, would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance -
(For best results: hand wash in cold, tumble dry low. For not so good results: drag through puddles, pound on rocks, air dry on tree branch.)
<html:text indexed="true" name="orderAccount" property="timePayPriority"
size="2" maxlength="3"
styleClass="<bean:write name="timePayDetailsForm" property="accountingStyle" />"
readonly="<bean:write name="timePayDetailsForm" property="readOnly" />"
tabindex="<bean:write name="timePayDetailsForm" property="tabIndex" />" />
Is this an area that I need to use nesting? How would I go about doing that? Any suggestions, including thinking out of the box, would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance -
(For best results: hand wash in cold, tumble dry low. For not so good results: drag through puddles, pound on rocks, air dry on tree branch.)