For example in _movie2 located in _movie i have label1.
In _movie3 located also in _movie i have a button and i want to add this one an action to play label1 from _movie1.
I know that if i want to play a frame i can add this action:
_root._movie._movie1.gotoAndPlay(2) and it plays the second frame from _movie1.
I tried to add this: _root._movie._movie1.gotoAndPlay(label1) but it doesn't work.
In _movie3 located also in _movie i have a button and i want to add this one an action to play label1 from _movie1.
I know that if i want to play a frame i can add this action:
_root._movie._movie1.gotoAndPlay(2) and it plays the second frame from _movie1.
I tried to add this: _root._movie._movie1.gotoAndPlay(label1) but it doesn't work.