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Can I negate .htaccess for certain IP's?

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Aug 2, 2002

I have a directory that is protected by .htaccess.

Is there a way that apache can allow access without authentication to this directory for a certain IP address but still ask for authorisation from everybody else (who is a valid-user)?

Somethings come from nothing, nothing seems to come from somethings - SFA - Guerilla

roycrom :)
I take it hat you mean out that in my .htaccess file.

If you did I did that.

My .htaccess is as follows
AuthUserFile /blah/.htpasswd
AuthType basic
AuthName "BLAH"
allow from "w.x.y.z"
require valid-user
satisfy any

my error log then said:

/BLAH/BLAH/.htaccess: allow not allowed here

Have you seen this before?

Somethings come from nothing, nothing seems to come from somethings - SFA - Guerilla

roycrom :)
This may be what your after...

1) Deny everyone access, then allow certain hosts/IP addresses

AuthName "MY Secret Area"
AuthType Basic
<Limit GET POST>
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from 192.66.210.
allow from .tester.net
allow from bones.skell.net

2) Allow everyone except for certain hosts/IP addresses

AuthName &quot;MY Secret Area&quot;
AuthType Basic
<Limit GET POST>
order allow,deny
allow from all
deny from .aol.com
deny from .hackers.net
deny from
deny from chiller.bone.net

This didn't work either but I've found another way around it using authorisation with php.

Thanks for your help tho guys :)

Somethings come from nothing, nothing seems to come from somethings - SFA - Guerilla

roycrom :)
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