I have a report that looks at a range of 24 months of totals and then does some calculations of individual columns depending on what month 'number' it is (1-24). This works well based on my running total that goes top to bottom 1-24 but sometimes I don't have data for all months and my report may be, say just months 1-13. This messes up my formulas because I really should be counting from the bottom up starting with '1'. I guess what I need is either a way to force all month totals (GF2) to display even if no data OR a reverse running total with 1 always being the last available month. Any ideas? Thanks! -JJP
#rtotal @charges @payments
1 $10 $5
2 $23 $3
3 $20 $5
#rtotal @charges @payments
3 $10 $5
2 $23 $3
1 $20 $5
#rtotal @charges @payments
1 $10 $5
2 $23 $3
3 $20 $5
#rtotal @charges @payments
3 $10 $5
2 $23 $3
1 $20 $5