Crystal 11
I have 2 name fields(name1 and name2) and one dollar amount in each record. I want to group on name1 and multiply the dollar amount by a percent and I would like that record to appear again in another group so I can multiply the dollar amount by a different percent.
Then I will add the first figure to name1's total and add the 2nd figure to name2's total.
I tried to do that in my formula but it ignores the 2nd time I try to get the record. I'm guessing because it already sorted that record in name1's group.
I used a stored procedure with an ODBC connection to get the data.
The formula is below. I get a group for '2Refer70' but not for '2Render30'.
Thanks -
{@EvenSplitCalc1} = True)
Then '4Even Split'
Else If {@Refer70percentCondition} = True
Then '2Refer70'
Else If {@Render30percentCondition} = True
Then '2Render30'
Else If
{@RenderingCondition} = True
Then '1Rendering'
Else If {@ReferringCondition} = True
Then '3Referring'
I have 2 name fields(name1 and name2) and one dollar amount in each record. I want to group on name1 and multiply the dollar amount by a percent and I would like that record to appear again in another group so I can multiply the dollar amount by a different percent.
Then I will add the first figure to name1's total and add the 2nd figure to name2's total.
I tried to do that in my formula but it ignores the 2nd time I try to get the record. I'm guessing because it already sorted that record in name1's group.
I used a stored procedure with an ODBC connection to get the data.
The formula is below. I get a group for '2Refer70' but not for '2Render30'.
Thanks -
{@EvenSplitCalc1} = True)
Then '4Even Split'
Else If {@Refer70percentCondition} = True
Then '2Refer70'
Else If {@Render30percentCondition} = True
Then '2Render30'
Else If
{@RenderingCondition} = True
Then '1Rendering'
Else If {@ReferringCondition} = True
Then '3Referring'