I'm trying to write a script to extract the contents of an ISO using winrar
However I get an error message "not an rar archive" I know you can extract an ISO through the GUI but when i use the command 'unrar e (ISO- path) ' I get that error
I saw this example in the linked post, it means nothing to me but maybe you can look at it.
@echo off
set startdir=F:\RAR
set isodir=F:\ISOs
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
@ECHO UNRARer v 0.1
@ECHO (c)2009 Supagusti
@ECHO starting in directory: %startdir%
FOR /F "delims=;" %%G IN ('"dir "%startdir%\*.RAR" /S /B"') DO unrar e "%%G" *.ISO %isodir%
@ECHO finished!
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