I have a sales report showing GL sales allocations by customer broken down by cost center. One of our account reps wants to take the exported spreadsheet for this customer, delete some lines / columns and have it automatically re-calculate the grand totals (which I currently provide as a value calculated by crystal before export, not a formula).
Is it possible to do an export where grand totals or sub totals are put as formulas instead of values, so the rep doesn't have to add the formulas themselves?
or is this too much for Crystal 8.5? can later version or other products do anything like this?
I know can do this if I write a program that reads a data file instead of using crystal, and produces a .tab file (named with extension .xls so it opens in excel automatically without import dialog). I simply put in say the 6th tab on 1st row '=sum(F2..F99)' or after the end of report I insert the actual row# to sum up in a similar string for a column or '=sum(b'+row#+'AB'+row#+')' to do row totals.
I just don't think this can be done in Crystal
Is it possible to do an export where grand totals or sub totals are put as formulas instead of values, so the rep doesn't have to add the formulas themselves?
or is this too much for Crystal 8.5? can later version or other products do anything like this?
I know can do this if I write a program that reads a data file instead of using crystal, and produces a .tab file (named with extension .xls so it opens in excel automatically without import dialog). I simply put in say the 6th tab on 1st row '=sum(F2..F99)' or after the end of report I insert the actual row# to sum up in a similar string for a column or '=sum(b'+row#+'AB'+row#+')' to do row totals.
I just don't think this can be done in Crystal