Dangerous 'play ground'. Acording to MS, all of the MSys* tables are "Off-Limits". Only operations on the data base are 'supposed' to impact these tables, via the "Magic" of the application (Ms. Access). Still, if you were in a position to add records to the table, you had permission to delete them as well, so just get there the same way and then do the deletes. Otherwise, you would beed to get into the get external data module, under the advanced tab you can see al of the 'defined' import / export spscifications and delete any you are no longer interestred in using. It is also ppossible to 'write' to this programmatically, so it must also be possible to delete from it (programatically), but I have never had an occassion to do so.
There is never time to do it right but there is always time to do it over
What I have wound up doing is copying the existing to a new name, delete the old ones and then run the export wizard "Advanced" to rewrite only the ones needed. But what a pain!
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