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Can Foxpro 2.6 for DOS or Windows run on Windows 2000 server 1

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Aug 26, 2001

Thanks for help me:

Is it possible Foxpro 2.6 for DOS or Window run on a Windows 2000 Server? I need do a remote access of terminal service by a application server mode on Windows 2000 Server.


My company is currently testing foxpro 2.6 in Windows 2000 Terminal server and so far we haven't ran into any problems...In fact we have found that Win2k actually handles the memory setting better than any other MS Windows and is more stable...Our Database has approx 40+ tables sizing to a total of 7+ Gigs, and supports 180 employees connected...I'm not sure if this will make a difference but we maintain all the programming and tables on our Novell server. Novell is more stable for running applications and plus with as much trouble as Microsoft Servers have had in the past, I wouldn't trust this much legal data on a MS Server - Just to have it die!! I just installed the Novell Win2k client on the Terminal Server.

For us, its all thumbs up for Win2k Terminal Sever and Foxpro 2.6, but every comany is different...My best suggestion is to try it. You can test Terminal Server for 90 days without licensing the clients.

Shayne Kolata
Network Administrator
STL Buffalo
Thanks Shayne Kolata!

I have novell server too. My database and program all maintain on novell server 4.15. So far I thought I can run Foxpro 2.5b for windows on Win2k server after patching foxprow.exe file by fixing "divide by zero" problem. But I still have a question:

How remote workstation(terminal computer)can print report at their remote location repectively? I don't know terminal service has print service function or not? Thanks!

Printing was a little more difficult to figure out but heres what I came up with.

Local Workstation Printing:
1-Install local printer driver on both Workstation and Terminal Server.
2-Share the printer you just installed on Terminal Server.
3-Connect with the Client.
4-On the Terminal Server you will notice a new Temporary printer is created when a client logs in.
5-Share this new Temp printer also. The printer will come back shared everytime the user reconnects.
6-While Connected, go to a DOS prompt on the workstation within Terminal Server and type-
Net Use Lpt1 \\Servername\TempPrinterShare /Persist:YES
7-Direct all your printing from you Foxpro program to print to LPT1: The Net Use statement will then transmit the printout to the local workstation. By using the /Persist:YES you are making the connection reconnect everytime you login. I have decided against using it because our Foxpro program is designed to allow me to insert a capture command before all printing.

Printing To Network Printers: (All our print Queues are on the Novell Server)
1-This is actually much easier but you will need to make sure all your clients are using Novell's Client for Microsoft. (Novells version, not Microsofts)
2-You will need to use a Capture command before any printing occures. This is a Novell command usually located in the SYS:public directory. The command is as follows: CAPTURE LPT1 /s=SERVERNAME /q=QUEUENAME more info can be found if you do Capture /?
3-This command is Programmed into our code. We have a picklist that allows the user to choose a printer. This command needs to be used at least everytime a user logs in. You could put it into the Novell Login script.
4-Now all you have to do is direct all you Foxpro programming to print directly to lpt1: The capture command will then redirect everything to the network printer.

I hope this all made sense. Its early in the morning and I haven't finsihed all my coffee yet. Let me know if you have any other questions. I'll be glad to help!!

Shayne Kolata
Thanks, Shaynek, for the above way to print from FoxPro. I tried it but still to no avail. I'm trying to get a foxpro 2.6 app called Power Broker ( to print remotely with terminal server. It seems that because it's a 16bit app, I'm getting nowhere. Event viewer shows the print job going out with 0 bytes!!! All other windows apps print remotely. Can anyone help? The terminal server is Win2000 and the clients are Win98 and Win2000 with HP 5L printers.

Lee Jon
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