Several users have complained about the way the files are listed in the DirListBox - that is, they can't see anything other than the file name. Is there a way to display files with their dates, type, etc? I'd prefer to use the Windows OpenFile dialog, but have no clue how I'd do that.
Anyone have any ideas / examples / clues?
Anyone have any ideas / examples / clues?
string sClaimsDir = "c:\folder\"
string sFileToSearch = "md*.*"
string sFile = "claims.txt"
sFileFilter = ""
strcat sFilter sClaimsDir
strcat sFilter sFileToSearch
dialogbox 0 8 21 264 139 130 " Choose a Claims File"
dirpath 1 7 113 198 19 sClaimsDir
dirlistbox 2 2 2 258 99 sFilter MULTIPLE sFile 1 hscroll sort
pushbutton 3 219 104 42 14 "&Open" ok default
pushbutton 4 218 120 44 13 "&Cancel" cancel