I've recently setup a VPN server on Vista Ultimate. My friends and I have successfully connected to the VPN server but we are unable to access the other computers on the network. I am very new to VPN and am finding it quite difficult (especially since I have to be outside my network to test it). While on my network (not over VPN) I would usually use the "connect to server" function in the finder menu to access the files on my Vista computer over Serve Message Block (SMB). When me and my friends tried this over the VPN it would try to connect for a few minutes, eventually timing out. The whole purpose of this would be mainly to be able to play LAN games (AoE II/Starcraft) together while on different networks and also file sharing if possible. Is there a certain port that I need to enable? I am really lost and I can't find anything about it on google but i could just be using the wrong key words. Thanks for any help.