I am currently using the following code, but I would rather have the cfoutput redirect to one web page and the cfelse redirect to another page. Is that possible?
<div align="right">#DateFormat (Now())# #TimeFormat(Now())# </div><br>
Thank you for your request #form.firstname#. We will process your request and contact you as soon as possible.<BR>
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all fields marked with an asterisk(<font color="#FF0000">*</font>).
<div align="right">#DateFormat (Now())# #TimeFormat(Now())# </div><br>
Thank you for your request #form.firstname#. We will process your request and contact you as soon as possible.<BR>
<div align="center"><a href="../home.html">Return to Homepage</a> </div>
<H3>You are missing a required piece of information for this form to be processed.</H3>
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all fields marked with an asterisk(<font color="#FF0000">*</font>).