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can anyone identifty what these scripts do?

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Jan 29, 2003
I have a "hacked" index file that utilizes several javascripts (a language that I can barely comprehend)...I was wondering if anyone could interpret this and let me know what they do?

I've found that "Red Measure" (at redsherrif.com) is some sort of tracking service...as far as I can tell...

Any ideas? Here's the source:

TH1§ P4G3 H4§ B33N H4©K3D
<body bgcolor=&quot;#FFFFFF&quot;>


<FONT SIZE=&quot;6&quot; COLOR=&quot;#4B4FBF&quot;>
TH1<font FACE=&quot;Arial Black&quot;>§</font> P4G3 H4<font FACE=&quot;Arial Black&quot;>§</font> B33N
H4<font FACE=&quot;Arial Black&quot;>©</font>K3D BY <BR>

<font size=&quot;7&quot; color=&quot;#4B4FBF&quot;>The islamic swords</font><FONT SIZE=&quot;6&quot; COLOR=&quot;#4B4FBF&quot;>

<FONT SIZE=&quot;6&quot; COLOR=&quot;#4B4FBF&quot;>
<BR></font><font color=&quot;#4B4FBF&quot; size=&quot;5&quot;>This is what israel is doing to our
people in Palestine <BR>
and thanks to the US government israel can do it more and more and more</font>
<FONT SIZE=&quot;6&quot; COLOR=&quot;#4B4FBF&quot;>
 <br><img border=&quot;0&quot; src=&quot;pos.jpg&quot; width=&quot;400&quot; height=&quot;300&quot;></font></center>
<p align=&quot;center&quot;><img border=&quot;0&quot; src=&quot;hde.jpg&quot; width=&quot;400&quot; height=&quot;325&quot;></p>
<CENTER><font color=&quot;#4B4FBF&quot; size=&quot;5&quot;><a href=&quot;mailto:king_abdo@yahoo.com&quot;>king_abdo@yahoo.com</a></font></center></p>
<FONT SIZE=&quot;6&quot; COLOR=&quot;#4B4FBF&quot;>


</font><font color=&quot;#4B4FBF&quot; size=&quot;5&quot;><b>


 Special GreeTz:</b> stormy sea, befcack, rD, Sad^jackale, Acid-Warz, Tw33Ty,
B-angle, eXistenZ, DJ-King And Zayon</font></p>
<p align=&quot;center&quot;> </p>


<!-- START RedMeasure V4 - Java v1.1  $Revision: 1.3 $ -->
<!-- COPYRIGHT 2000 Red Sheriff Limited -->

<script language=&quot;JavaScript&quot;><!--
var pCid=&quot;uk_lycos-uk_0&quot;;
var w0=1;
var refR=escape(document.referrer);
if (refR.length>=252) refR=refR.substring(0,252)+&quot;...&quot;;
<script language=&quot;JavaScript1.1&quot;><!--
var w0=0;
<script language=&quot;JavaScript1.1&quot; src=&quot;[URL unfurl="true"]http://lycos-eu.imrworldwide.com/a1.js&quot;>[/URL]
<script language=&quot;JavaScript&quot;><!--
var imgN='<img src=&quot;[URL unfurl="true"]http://lycos-eu.imrworldwide.com/cgi-bin/count?ref='+[/URL]
	refR+'&cid='+pCid+'&quot; width=1 height=1>';
	document.write('<applet code=&quot;Measure.class&quot; '+
	'codebase=&quot;[URL unfurl="true"]http://lycos-eu.imrworldwide.com/&quot;'+'width=1[/URL] height=2>'+
	'<param name=&quot;ref&quot; value=&quot;'+refR+'&quot;>'+'<param name=&quot;cid&quot; value=&quot;'+pCid+
<img src=&quot;[URL unfurl="true"]http://lycos-eu.imrworldwide.com/cgi-bin/count?cid=uk_lycos-uk_0&quot;[/URL] width=1 height=1>
<!-- END RedMeasure V4 --> 

<script language=&quot;javascript&quot; src=&quot;[URL unfurl="true"]http://ads.tripod.lycos.co.uk/ad/test_frame_size.js&quot;></script>[/URL]
<script language=&quot;javascript&quot;>
if (!AD_clientWindowSize()) {

<script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;[URL unfurl="true"]http://ads.tripod.lycos.co.uk/ad/ad.php?cat=noref&mkw=&CC=uk&ord=3e358cb1&adpref=&quot;></script>[/URL]

To me, this code detects if browser can display an applet (Measure.class) and loads it if yes. Water is not bad as long as it stays out human body ;-)
Any idea what that does? I know it trys to load Virtual Machine on any browser without it...

Not with the infos you provided. If you look well, there are many outter scripts loaded in this page by
<Script src=&quot;url&quot;></script>
tags. These outter scripts may contain tons of functions and classes. Water is not bad as long as it stays out human body ;-)
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