I am trying to create a new volume group using a hdisk that is not currently in use, as follows:-
# mkvg -s 2 -t 2 -y testvg hdisk6
0516-1398 mkvg: The physical volume hdisk6, appears to belong to
another volume group. Use the force option to add this physical volume
to a volume group.
0516-862 mkvg: Unable to create volume group.
# lspv hdisk6
0516-320 : Physical volume hdisk6 is not assigned to
a volume group.
Says in the first instance it belongs to a volume group, and in the second, that it does not!?
# mkvg -s 2 -t 2 -y testvg hdisk6
0516-1398 mkvg: The physical volume hdisk6, appears to belong to
another volume group. Use the force option to add this physical volume
to a volume group.
0516-862 mkvg: Unable to create volume group.
# lspv hdisk6
0516-320 : Physical volume hdisk6 is not assigned to
a volume group.
Says in the first instance it belongs to a volume group, and in the second, that it does not!?