I have a form which is pretty simple:
* 2 OptionGroups
* 2 Simple Grids
* 2 OLE Objects - 'oleFirstDate' & 'oleLastDate' Calendars
* 1 ComboBox
* 1 Command Group with 2 buttons
The OLE Calendars are Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control 6.0 (SP6).
With my OK.ClICK method I use the following code, so I assume that is where the error is occuring.
Most of the time these things all work together well.
But sometimes I get an error message indicating...
Unknown member OLEFIRSTDATE
Can the Form somehow "Forget" its objects?
How do I ensure that this type of error goes away?
As always, your advice and suggestions are most welcome.
* 2 OptionGroups
* 2 Simple Grids
* 2 OLE Objects - 'oleFirstDate' & 'oleLastDate' Calendars
* 1 ComboBox
* 1 Command Group with 2 buttons
The OLE Calendars are Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control 6.0 (SP6).
With my OK.ClICK method I use the following code, so I assume that is where the error is occuring.
mcDay = PADL(ALLTRIM(STR(THISFORM.oleFirstDate.OBJECT.DAY,2)),2,"0")
mcMonth = PADL(ALLTRIM(STR(THISFORM.oleFirstDate.OBJECT.MONTH,2)),2,"0")
mcYear = STR(THISFORM.oleFirstDate.OBJECT.YEAR,4)
mcFirstDate = mcMonth + "/" + mcDay + "/" + mcYear
mdFirstDate = CTOD(mcFirstDate)
Most of the time these things all work together well.
But sometimes I get an error message indicating...
Unknown member OLEFIRSTDATE
Can the Form somehow "Forget" its objects?
How do I ensure that this type of error goes away?
As always, your advice and suggestions are most welcome.