In our office area we have purposely assigned some of our workers phone with non-DID extensions, but they still need voice mail however. The idea is these workers are suppose to take calls from folks inside the office but not from the outside. Someone in our field staff figured out that if they just call the our main voice mail number they can dial the folks' extension and the call goes to that extension. After this enterprising individula figured it out, he emailed the technique to all of the other field staff members. So now we have an issue with these 60 office working being flooded with calls they aren't supposed to get directly. What I need is a way to force calls placed to our MM number in this way to go directly to the voice mailbox associated with the extension instead of ringing the extension first. Is there a way to do this? I've experimented with the various options in the MM "Class-of-Service" without success. Needless to say, I need a solution that will allow use of this "feature" for some extensions but not for others.
Thanks. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks. Any help would be appreciated.