3300 AX Rls 4.2
Problem is calls going back to MLAA instead of extension mail box due to wrong ID in Voicemail.
Requirements. 2 different MLAA’s on Night 1 and Night 2.
Incoming calls on the main number go to a spare extn. 399 this is routed as follows.
Day go to console
N1 to 391 MLAA (Name Tag Hung Groups to take correct I.D. into Vmail)
N2 to 392 MLAA (Name Tag Hung Groups to take correct I.D into Vmail)
In MLAA option 1 goes to extn 222 and rings O.K.
Problem occurs when 222 forwards to vmail. Instead of going to mbox 222 it still has the ID of 391 and repeats the MLAA announcement.
If the MLAA on 391 is changed to a Hunt group (not Name Tag HG) option 1 works fine and it goes to Mbox 222.
The problem is then how to get Night 1 and Night 2 to go into voice mail with the correct ID’s for the 2 difernt MLAA's
Does anyone know any other solution to achive requirements please.
Problem is calls going back to MLAA instead of extension mail box due to wrong ID in Voicemail.
Requirements. 2 different MLAA’s on Night 1 and Night 2.
Incoming calls on the main number go to a spare extn. 399 this is routed as follows.
Day go to console
N1 to 391 MLAA (Name Tag Hung Groups to take correct I.D. into Vmail)
N2 to 392 MLAA (Name Tag Hung Groups to take correct I.D into Vmail)
In MLAA option 1 goes to extn 222 and rings O.K.
Problem occurs when 222 forwards to vmail. Instead of going to mbox 222 it still has the ID of 391 and repeats the MLAA announcement.
If the MLAA on 391 is changed to a Hunt group (not Name Tag HG) option 1 works fine and it goes to Mbox 222.
The problem is then how to get Night 1 and Night 2 to go into voice mail with the correct ID’s for the 2 difernt MLAA's
Does anyone know any other solution to achive requirements please.