Hello, I was wondering if anybody had any idea on how to solve this problem... We have a Meridian Option 11C here in Mexico with about 20 Did's and 10 Tie Lines to a city in the U.S. about 500 miles away... We have an E1 line to San Diego and then there's an T1 line to our mother company in that city (which has the same system)....
We have about 40 Analog phones and 50 Digital ones.
A lot of our users have gotten they're phone calls disconnected to the U.S. and Canada .... some of them 70% of the time... National calls to Mexico don't have that problem... anybody have any ideas of what the cause could be? I'm sort of new at this, any help would be appreciated.
We have about 40 Analog phones and 50 Digital ones.
A lot of our users have gotten they're phone calls disconnected to the U.S. and Canada .... some of them 70% of the time... National calls to Mexico don't have that problem... anybody have any ideas of what the cause could be? I'm sort of new at this, any help would be appreciated.