We have a 4 LIM system at BC9 and we have an problem. Here is the call scenario. If a caller from remote LIM4 dials 0 and asks the operator to put them through to another extension, the call drops and the remote extension sees congestion as the GS link restarts. All other scenarios work fine i.e.
LIM4 to digital extn then tfr
LIM4 to analogue extn and tfr
LIM4 to operator individual and tfr
all calls and tfr calls into LIM4.
The issue only occurs when dialing 0 from LIM4 and the ops tries to extend the call, it happens every time.
The remote LIM4 is fed via ip muxes, but I do not believe that this is the cause. We have swapped the GJUG and GJUL cards and replaced the TMU /2 card with a TMU /1 card, we have also loaded R7A firmware onto the symbolic consoles. The two main consoles are in LIM1 but there is a third console in LIM3 that is only for emergencies. Does anyone have any suggestions?
We have a 4 LIM system at BC9 and we have an problem. Here is the call scenario. If a caller from remote LIM4 dials 0 and asks the operator to put them through to another extension, the call drops and the remote extension sees congestion as the GS link restarts. All other scenarios work fine i.e.
LIM4 to digital extn then tfr
LIM4 to analogue extn and tfr
LIM4 to operator individual and tfr
all calls and tfr calls into LIM4.
The issue only occurs when dialing 0 from LIM4 and the ops tries to extend the call, it happens every time.
The remote LIM4 is fed via ip muxes, but I do not believe that this is the cause. We have swapped the GJUG and GJUL cards and replaced the TMU /2 card with a TMU /1 card, we have also loaded R7A firmware onto the symbolic consoles. The two main consoles are in LIM1 but there is a third console in LIM3 that is only for emergencies. Does anyone have any suggestions?