Here's the background of the info I have: On an ACS R7, there's a small hunt group set up. According to the users, the phone will ring 1-2 times, they'll pick it up, hear a click, then the phone will go dead. They'll then get a call back from the angry customer saying "you hung up on me".
Two questions - First, any idea on the fix? Second, when you do a regular disconnect on an ACS system, does the caller hear a dial tone or dead air? I ask because the provider is pointing their fingers back at as, so I want to see if I can figure out which end the problem belongs to - theirs or ours.
Two questions - First, any idea on the fix? Second, when you do a regular disconnect on an ACS system, does the caller hear a dial tone or dead air? I ask because the provider is pointing their fingers back at as, so I want to see if I can figure out which end the problem belongs to - theirs or ours.