I am using Symposium Express 4.2 Rev 7 and I am creating a custom performance report in Crystal. I want to add service level to my report and I am using the following formula.
NumberVar TotalCallsday:=0;
NumberVar CallsDelayedday:=0;
TotalCallsday:=Sum({iApplicationStat.CallsAnswered},{iApplicationStat.Timestamp}) + Sum({iApplicationStat.CallsAbandoned},{iApplicationStat.Timestamp});
CallsDelayedday:=Sum({iApplicationStat.CallsAnsweredAftThreshold},{iApplicationStat.Timestamp}) + Sum({iApplicationStat.CallsAbandonedAftThreshold},{iApplicationStat.Timestamp});
//Service level percent
if (TotalCallsday <= 0) then
((TotalCallsday - CallsDelayedday)/TotalCallsday)*100
The problem is that I am not seeing any data; when I look in the {iApplicationStat.CallsAnsweredAftThreshold} field, it is blank.
My real time display shows a service level and I have my Threshold set to 80/120. Any idea what I might be doing wrong ?
Thank you for the help
I am using Symposium Express 4.2 Rev 7 and I am creating a custom performance report in Crystal. I want to add service level to my report and I am using the following formula.
NumberVar TotalCallsday:=0;
NumberVar CallsDelayedday:=0;
TotalCallsday:=Sum({iApplicationStat.CallsAnswered},{iApplicationStat.Timestamp}) + Sum({iApplicationStat.CallsAbandoned},{iApplicationStat.Timestamp});
CallsDelayedday:=Sum({iApplicationStat.CallsAnsweredAftThreshold},{iApplicationStat.Timestamp}) + Sum({iApplicationStat.CallsAbandonedAftThreshold},{iApplicationStat.Timestamp});
//Service level percent
if (TotalCallsday <= 0) then
((TotalCallsday - CallsDelayedday)/TotalCallsday)*100
The problem is that I am not seeing any data; when I look in the {iApplicationStat.CallsAnsweredAftThreshold} field, it is blank.
My real time display shows a service level and I have my Threshold set to 80/120. Any idea what I might be doing wrong ?
Thank you for the help