CP 100
I programmed the whole CP then changed the IP to match the network, would not connect.
IT gave me another IP address (changed the last segment for 250 to 100)
I could connect from laptop in board room and trained administrator.
Administrator then said it did not work on their PC
I tried board room again, nothing
Tried my own laptop, nothing
I could ping it and CP LED's show connected
Upgraded to 3.1, nothing still.
I deemed it a cabinet issue and ordered another one.
I just found it strange I can ping it, LED's on but cannot connect which you would think points to software issue... but I upgraded it.
Toronto, Canada
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I programmed the whole CP then changed the IP to match the network, would not connect.
IT gave me another IP address (changed the last segment for 250 to 100)
I could connect from laptop in board room and trained administrator.
Administrator then said it did not work on their PC
I tried board room again, nothing
Tried my own laptop, nothing
I could ping it and CP LED's show connected
Upgraded to 3.1, nothing still.
I deemed it a cabinet issue and ordered another one.
I just found it strange I can ping it, LED's on but cannot connect which you would think points to software issue... but I upgraded it.

Toronto, Canada
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