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CallPilot 4.0 Application Builder -unable to load application from server error

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Oct 24, 2012
I can't open some of my applications whether I am launcing from a client PC or the Server itself. I get the following.
"the system could not load the application from the server. Please check the connection to the server and try again. I can open other applications so I am connected to the server. I have checked the logs and this is what I have.

1. (Application that receives the error and unable to open)

NMAppBuilderApp::fileOpen, custID=1, appID=1065, appName=MS197521, VolumeID=103.
NMApplication::Open, AppID = 1065, CustID = 1
Module: NMApplication::Open Code: 12, Level:0, Attribute:, Text1:NMVMLock failed, Text2:(null).
Module: NMApplication::Open Code: 0, Level:0, Attribute:0, Text1:0, Text2:0.
NMApplication::Open - failed, AppID = 1065, CustID = 1

2. (Application that opens with no issues)

- NMAppBuilderApp::fileOpen, custID=1, appID=1064, appName=MS19752, VolumeID=102.
NMApplication::Open, AppID = 1064, CustID = 1
Module: NMApplication::Open Code: 60775, Level:0, Attribute:currentedfilepath, Text1:E:\\nortel\\cust\\cust1\\nm_abd\\uprog\\1064\\112\\1064.ED, Text2:(null).
Module: NMApplication::Open Code: 60775, Level:0, Attribute:newedfilepath, Text1:E:\\nortel\\cust\\cust1\\nm_abd\\uprog\\1064\\231\\1064.ED, Text2:(null).
Module: NMApplication::Open Code: 60775, Level:0, Attribute:appvernum, Text1:231, Text2:(null).
Module: NMApplication::Open Code: 0, Level:0, Attribute:0, Text1:0, Text2:0.
NMApplication::Open - Successfully opened, AppID = 1064, CustID = 1
NMAppProfileInterface::Search OK, Filter=(&(objectclass=APPPROFILE)(appprofid=1064)(customerid=1)(appvernum=231))
NMAppProfileInterface::Search OK, Filter=(&(objectclass=APPPROFILE)(appprofid=1064)(customerid=1)(appvernum=112))
NMAppProfileInterface::Modify OK, DN:appprofid=1064+customerid=1+appvernum=112,dc=nortel,dc=ca
NMAppBuilderApp::postFileOpen, appID=1064, appName=MS19752, flag=0.
NMAppService::Search, CustID=1, AppID=1064, Service=3
NMAppService::Search, Returned attributes = 1
NMAppService::Search, rc=0
CAOS::SendFileToClient, AppName MS19752
>> Received: E:\\nortel\\cust\\cust1\\nm_abd\\uprog\\1064\\112\\1064.ED
>> At: C:\Nortel\CallPilot\AppBuilder\uprog\MS19752.ED
NMAppImpInterface::CheckImportedApps, rc=0
NMAppImpInterface::Update, CustID=1, AppID=1064, Version=231
NMAppImpInterface::Delete, CustID=1, AppID=1064, Version=231
NMAppImpInterface::Delete, rc=0
NMAppImpInterface::Update, rc = 0
NMAppRPLInterface::Update, AppID=1, CustID=1064, Version=231
NMAppRPLInterface::Delete, CustID=1, AppID=1064, Version=231
NMAppRPLInterface::Delete, rc=0
NMAppRPLInterface::Update, AppID=1, CustID=1064, Version=231
NMAppRPLInterface::Delete, CustID=1, AppID=1064, Version=231
NMAppRPLInterface::Delete, rc=0
NMAppRPLInterface::Update, AppID=1, CustID=1064, Version=231
NMAppRPLInterface::Delete, CustID=1, AppID=1064, Version=231
NMAppRPLInterface::Delete, rc=0
NMApplication::Close, AppID = 1064, CustID = 1
NMApplication::Close - Successfully unlocked, AppID = 1064, CustID = 1--
The app is either corrupted or stuck - quick fix is to archive the said app, then restore with a new name and see if you can access. If that doesn't work, have your vendor access the CP and run an integrity test on the apps and attempt to fix it there from the Support Menu on the server.
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