Technical User
We are currently on Callpilot of which we have two buildings - one onsite (GC), one offsite (SP), using.
We have a third offsite building with two opx lines and a centrix system.
When the third buildings staff call the SP building, reaches whatever extension's mailbox number and then 0's out, sometimes it works, but other times (maybe 50%) the zero out tries and fails, stating the service can not be completed.
In the beginning I thought the staff was on the phone the 0 out goes to, but I have since witnessed it fail (can not be completed) when that set was free. I have considered that set may not be releasing the calls right away and so therefore tying up the line even though it looks free to the naked eye..
When people from the GC building call and 0 out, it works flawlessly.. GC building are run directly off the PBX and use M3903 phones.
I have checked and double checked the Callpilot programming and the mailboxes of the staff. The staff at SP are using Norstar M7324 & T7208s on a BCM40.
I'm trying to figure out if it's the Centrix at third offsite location handing off lines that is the problem, if it's the BCM extensions or if it's our Callpilot.
Any one have any advice on what it could be or where to look.. My thinking is it's the Centrix or BCM since it works great for GC. Also, the problem was just introduced to me this week, however the staff tell me it started doing it one or two times a week about 3 months ago, didn't think much of it until it's got to the point where it is now. Could something be slowly dying and what? Thanks everyone ~
We have a third offsite building with two opx lines and a centrix system.
When the third buildings staff call the SP building, reaches whatever extension's mailbox number and then 0's out, sometimes it works, but other times (maybe 50%) the zero out tries and fails, stating the service can not be completed.
In the beginning I thought the staff was on the phone the 0 out goes to, but I have since witnessed it fail (can not be completed) when that set was free. I have considered that set may not be releasing the calls right away and so therefore tying up the line even though it looks free to the naked eye..
When people from the GC building call and 0 out, it works flawlessly.. GC building are run directly off the PBX and use M3903 phones.
I have checked and double checked the Callpilot programming and the mailboxes of the staff. The staff at SP are using Norstar M7324 & T7208s on a BCM40.
I'm trying to figure out if it's the Centrix at third offsite location handing off lines that is the problem, if it's the BCM extensions or if it's our Callpilot.
Any one have any advice on what it could be or where to look.. My thinking is it's the Centrix or BCM since it works great for GC. Also, the problem was just introduced to me this week, however the staff tell me it started doing it one or two times a week about 3 months ago, didn't think much of it until it's got to the point where it is now. Could something be slowly dying and what? Thanks everyone ~