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Calling Name to PSTN...

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Technical User
Jul 14, 2009
Sending caller name out to PSTN over PRI circuit? Send number and name set to yes. Circuit is NI 1 (protocol a). Today not working as of yet. Li trace command says it is going out, but CO does not see it. Thoughts?


calling name is a lookup in a data base performed by the recipient's phone company. The caller's phone company has to register the name and the recipient's phone company has to have access to it. There are multiple data bases out there and they do not all have shared access. So even when the caller has it set up right the recipient may not see it. Unlike the number, your phone system has no control over what name is sent, only if it is sent.
Thanks... I want to send the Avaya PBX station's name to the PSTN and I know I have done it before in a previous life. So the search continues...
Have you put anything into "change public-unknown-numbering"??

if so...then I have no clue sorry.
Yes I did... I am making the CO do some changes like using the NI 2 protocol and enabling the "names in / names out" feature. I will update when the fix is in...


9mmgeek is correct, on PSTN calls CPI Name is pulled from LIDB/CNAM database which is retrieved ("dipped") by receiving carrier. Your carrier will need to load the correct name/number data into LIDB/CNAM and the receiving carrier will 'dip' to obtain those names when the call arrives.


Send Calling Name for Outgoing Calls on NI PRI trunks
display system-parameters features                              Page   8 of  17

                                                         PARAMETERS FOR CREATING
 Send Non-ISDN Trunk Group Name as Connected Name? n     QSIG SELECTION NUMBERS
 Display Connected Name/Number for ISDN DCS Calls? n       Network Level:
       Send ISDN Trunk Group Name on Tandem Calls? n        Level 2 Code:
                Send Custom Messages Through QSIG? n        Level 1 Code:

                          QSIG/ETSI TSC Extension: 8998
 MWI - Number of Digits Per Voice Mail Subscriber: 4
                                 Feature Plus Ext:
                              National CPN Prefix:
                         International CPN Prefix:
                        Pass Prefixed CPN to ASAI? n
    Unknown Numbers Considered Internal for AUDIX? y        Maximum Length: 3
[COLOR=red]             USNI Calling Name for Outgoing Calls? y[/color]
               Path Replacement with Measurements? y
                  QSIG Path Replacement Extension: 8999
            Path Replace While in Queue/Vectoring? y

display trunk-group 6                                           Page   3 of  21
          ACA Assignment? n            Measured: both      Wideband Support? n
                                                          Maintenance Tests? y
                               Data Restriction? n     NCA-TSC Trunk Member:
                                      [COLOR=red]Send Name: y[/color]      Send Calling Number: y
            Used for DCS? n                            Send EMU Visitor CPN? n
   Suppress # Outpulsing? n    Format: public
 Outgoing Channel ID Encoding: preferred     UUI IE Treatment: service-provider

                                                 Replace Restricted Numbers? n
                                                Replace Unavailable Numbers? n
                                                      Send Connected Number: n
Network Call Redirection: none                    Hold/Unhold Notifications? n
             Send UUI IE? y                    Modify Tandem Calling Number? n
               Send UCID? n
 Send Codeset 6/7 LAI IE? n                         Ds1 Echo Cancellation? n

    Apply Local Ringback? n               US NI Delayed Calling Name Update? y
 Show ANSWERED BY on Display? y
                             Network (Japan) Needs Connect Before Disconnect? n
USNI Calling Name for Outgoing Calls?

Valid entries y/n
Enter y to send a name on outgoing calls over NI PRI trunks.
Important: Be sure you have validated that your service provider's central
office is capable of accepting calling name information from
Communication Manager in this way. For example, if the central office
has a 5ESS, it must be a generic 5EXX or later. Failure to validate the
central office capability might cause the central office to drop outgoing
calls from your Avaya S8XXX Server. In this case, change the value in this field
to n. Enter n to prevent sending calling name information with outgoing calls
over NI PRI trunks. n is this field overrides a y in the Send Name field of the
outgoing Trunk Group screen.

With these settings, list trace will show the name being sent from your switch. If you call a cell phone and do not see the name but list trace shows it, call your provider.

A great teacher, does not provide answers, but methods to teach others "How and where to find the answers"


36 years Bell, AT&T, Lucent, Avaya
Tier 3 for 26 years and counting
Thanks... This feature has been set. Need to make the circuit NI 2 and I will test it again. Need to update license file (FEAT_QBSS) feature is not turned which will allow me to program the signaling group correctly...


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