I've got a problem...
I need a pag where the user can fill in a pag-number and when it's checked, a NEW window should open with another page inside...
here's my code:
print "Get($url)";
I can't seem to call the function (see red in code)
Can anyone help,
I've got a problem...
I need a pag where the user can fill in a pag-number and when it's checked, a NEW window should open with another page inside...
here's my code:
<TITLE>Search on page-number</TITLE>
<SCRIPT Language="Javascript">
function Get(url)
options = toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=0;
if (!IsSet($number))
elseif ((!Is_Int($number)) && ($Number <= 130) && ($Number >= 6))
$url = "pag$Number/pag$Number.html";
else {$fault=1;}
<FORM Action="<?php print("$PHP_SELF"); ?>" METHODE="POST">
Fill a page-number in:
<INPUT type="text" size="3" name="Number" value="<?php print("$Number"); ?>">
<BR><INPUT type="submit" value="GO"></FORM>
if ($fault)
print "<B>Wrong input</B><P>";
print "Make sure you follow these rules:<BR>";
print "1. You <B>HAVE TO</B> fill in a number.<BR>";
print "2. IT <B>HAS TO</B> be a number between 6 and 130.<BR>";
I can't seem to call the function (see red in code)
Can anyone help,