I have an editor that is written in C lauguage, it contains many blocks whose computational function are written in C language. For one block I have a computational code written in JAVA. I want to Call Java Function for this. I can use JNI but i m thinking of a different option for which i need your help.
First of All is it possible to execute a command line instruction like dir, ipconfig from C language Program using exec()or any other function.
I am on WINDOWS not on UNIX or linux.
If so, then i can execute javac from C program.
Please Please help me in this regard
First of All is it possible to execute a command line instruction like dir, ipconfig from C language Program using exec()or any other function.
I am on WINDOWS not on UNIX or linux.
If so, then i can execute javac from C program.
Please Please help me in this regard