I am running into an error while using the LoadGroups Function. ANy help would be great...
The code is below.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function IsMember(objADObject, strGroup)
' Function to test for group membership.
' objGroupList is a dictionary object with global scope.
If IsEmpty(objGroupList) Then
Set objGroupList = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End If
If Not objGroupList.Exists(objADObject.sAMAccountName & "\") Then
Call LoadGroups(objADObject, objADObject)
objGroupList(objADObject.sAMAccountName & "\") = True
End If
IsMember = objGroupList.Exists(objADObject.sAMAccountName & "\" _
& strGroup)
End Function
Sub LoadGroups(objPriObject, objADSubObject)
' Recursive subroutine to populate dictionary object objGroupList.
Dim colstrGroups, objGroup, j
objGroupList.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
colstrGroups = objADSubObject.memberOf
If IsEmpty(colstrGroups) Then
Exit Sub
End If
If TypeName(colstrGroups) = "String" Then
Set objGroup = GetObject("LDAP://" & colstrGroups)
If Not objGroupList.Exists(objPriObject.sAMAccountName & "\" _
& objGroup.sAMAccountName) Then
objGroupList(objPriObject.sAMAccountName & "\" _
& objGroup.sAMAccountName) = True
Call LoadGroups(objPriObject, objGroup)
End If
Set objGroup = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
For j = 0 To UBound(colstrGroups)
Set objGroup = GetObject("LDAP://" & colstrGroups(j))
If Not objGroupList.Exists(objPriObject.sAMAccountName & "\" _
& objGroup.sAMAccountName) Then
objGroupList(objPriObject.sAMAccountName & "\" _
& objGroup.sAMAccountName) = True
Call LoadGroups(objPriObject, objGroup)
End If
Set objGroup = Nothing
End Sub
The error i am getting is...Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Object required: 'objADObject'
The code is below.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function IsMember(objADObject, strGroup)
' Function to test for group membership.
' objGroupList is a dictionary object with global scope.
If IsEmpty(objGroupList) Then
Set objGroupList = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End If
If Not objGroupList.Exists(objADObject.sAMAccountName & "\") Then
Call LoadGroups(objADObject, objADObject)
objGroupList(objADObject.sAMAccountName & "\") = True
End If
IsMember = objGroupList.Exists(objADObject.sAMAccountName & "\" _
& strGroup)
End Function
Sub LoadGroups(objPriObject, objADSubObject)
' Recursive subroutine to populate dictionary object objGroupList.
Dim colstrGroups, objGroup, j
objGroupList.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
colstrGroups = objADSubObject.memberOf
If IsEmpty(colstrGroups) Then
Exit Sub
End If
If TypeName(colstrGroups) = "String" Then
Set objGroup = GetObject("LDAP://" & colstrGroups)
If Not objGroupList.Exists(objPriObject.sAMAccountName & "\" _
& objGroup.sAMAccountName) Then
objGroupList(objPriObject.sAMAccountName & "\" _
& objGroup.sAMAccountName) = True
Call LoadGroups(objPriObject, objGroup)
End If
Set objGroup = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
For j = 0 To UBound(colstrGroups)
Set objGroup = GetObject("LDAP://" & colstrGroups(j))
If Not objGroupList.Exists(objPriObject.sAMAccountName & "\" _
& objGroup.sAMAccountName) Then
objGroupList(objPriObject.sAMAccountName & "\" _
& objGroup.sAMAccountName) = True
Call LoadGroups(objPriObject, objGroup)
End If
Set objGroup = Nothing
End Sub
The error i am getting is...Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Object required: 'objADObject'