I am updating an asp web application that currently calls Crystal Reports 7 reports. I need to modify the pages to invoke Crystal Reports XI reports. Is there a way to do this without completely rewriting the asp pages? I have researched the Business Objects site but haven't found pertinent info.
The asp page uses the vbscript command:
and then the following to allow the user to preview the report:
Any assistance is appreciated!
The asp page uses the vbscript command:
<object ID="CRViewer" WIDTH="0" HEIGHT="0" CLASSID="CLSID:C4847596-972C-11D0-9567-00A0C9273C2A" codebase="http:tlhappbeta/afas/activex/CRViewer.dll#Version=1,2,1,15" VIEWASTEXT>
and then the following to allow the user to preview the report:
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
popupWin = window.open('REPORTS/test.rpt?init=actx&rf=1&prompt0=<%=request("param1")%>&cmd=rfsh&vfmt=html_page&viewer=html_page&page=1',
"remote", "resizable, width=750, height=400");
Any assistance is appreciated!