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Calling CR Viewer from our application

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Technical User
Jan 22, 2002
For over 13 years ( using Crystal 6 through 11.5)we have called the viewer through an ActiveX call using this code and now it is something no longer available to CR2008 > . We still create the report fine but can no longer call the browser to open the rpt with the active x. Anyone no what we need to do to get this working. I am having a difficult time figuring it out since this is most likely a call to a web folder.

<%@ Language=VBScript CodePage=65001 %>



reportName = "../xreports/" & trim(request("rname"))

Set objFactory = CreateObject("CrystalReports.ObjectFactory")

Dim path, iLen
path = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED")
While (Right(path, 1) <> "\" And Len(path) <> 0)
iLen = Len(path) - 1
path = Left(path, iLen)

' Create a new ReportClientDocument object
Set Session("oClientDoc") = objFactory.CreateObject("CrystalClientDoc.ReportClientDocument")

' Specify the RAS Server (computer name or IP address) to use (If SDK and RAS Service are running on seperate machines)
Session("oClientDoc").ReportAppServer = "localhost"

' Open the report object to initialize the ReportClientDocument
Session("oClientDoc").Open path & reportName

Response.Redirect "activexv.asp"


this is my activexv.asp code

' Copyright © 2004 Eatec Corporation

<TITLE>Crystal Reports ActiveX Viewer</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR=C6C6C6 topmargin=0 leftmargin=0>

WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=100%
CODEBASE="/crystalreportviewers115/activeXcontrols/activexviewer.cab#Version=11,5,3,438" VIEWASTEXT>
<PARAM NAME="EnableRefreshButton" VALUE=0>
<PARAM NAME="EnableGroupTree" VALUE=0>
<PARAM NAME="DisplayGroupTree" VALUE=0>
<PARAM NAME="EnablePrintButton" VALUE=1>
<PARAM NAME="EnableExportButton" VALUE=0>
<PARAM NAME="EnableDrillDown" VALUE=0>
<PARAM NAME="EnableSearchControl" VALUE=0>
<PARAM NAME="EnableAnimationControl" VALUE=0>
<PARAM NAME="EnableZoomControl" VALUE=0>
<PARAM NAME="EnableSelectExpertButton" VALUE=0>

dim timer
dim printerTimer
dim pageOne
PageOne = True

Sub Window_Onload
On Error Resume Next
Dim webBroker
Set webBroker = CreateObject("CrystalReports115.WebReportBroker.1")
If ScriptEngineMajorVersion < 2 Then
window.alert "IE 3.02 users need to get the latest version of VBScript or install IE 4.01 SP1 or newer. Users of Windows 95 additionally need DCOM95. These files are available at Microsoft's web site."
Dim webSource
Set webSource = CreateObject("CrystalReports115.WebReportSource.1")
webSource.ReportSource = webBroker
webSource.URL = "rptserver.asp"
webSource.PromptOnRefresh = True
CRViewer.ReportSource = webSource
End If
End Sub

Sub CRViewer_DownloadFinished(byval downloadType)
if downloadType = 1 and PageOne then
PageOne = False
<!-- timer = window.settimeout("OnMyTimeOut",1000) -->
'window.alert "DownloadFinished"
window.status = "downloadfinished"
end if
end sub

Sub OnMyTimeOut()
if not CRViewer.IsBusy then
'window.alert "My timeout"
printerTimer = window.SetTimeOut("OnPrinterTimeOut", 10000)
end if
end sub

Sub OnPrinterTimeOut()
'window.alert "OnPrinterTimeout"

if not CRViewer.IsBusy then
window.status = "done"
end if
end sub
<script language="javascript">
function CallDestroy()

<!-- This empty div prevents IE from showing a bunch of empty space for the controls above. -->
<!-- <% = "<p align=""center""><br><br><br><img src="" alt=""Eatec"" WIDTH=""246"" HEIGHT=""112""><p align=""center""><b>Report " & trim(request("rname")) & " printing</b>" %> -->
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